Saturday, March 16, 2013

Categorizing Continued...

Yesterday, my husband surprised me with a mini date night, so this post had to wait until today. Another activity I did with the girls involving categorizing could actually double as a science project. I had the kiddos go around the house selecting various items they wanted to see if they would float or sink. The girls loved it & with a lil' guidance (No, we should not really trying putting daddy's i-phone in the water), picked some really great things. I had 3 kiddos doing the experiment, so we ended up with about 20 items. Outside I put 3 containers. 1 was for the items that ended up floating, 1 was for the items that sunk, & the final container (should be clear) we filled with the water to test each item.

To start the experiment, I gave each of the ladies their own list of all the items. 1 at a time we would take an item from the list, observe it (weight, size, etc), the girls would then make their guess if it would float or sink, & then we would test the item in the water. The girls loved testing their theories & then categorizing them by tossing them in the box of floating items or sinking items.

Afterwards when we were all finished, Aussie & Asher decided to see if they would float or sink. Overall, a success!!! So, hopefully you can add this to your categorizing unit (Previous post on "categorizing" & "sequencing" ).

-M&M Momma

Collecting items

Colored items they thought would float green
& the items they thought would sink red

Addie getting in on the action


Yuck, fast lil' kiddo.

Yeah, yuck.

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