Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Art for $15

So, recently "Super Daddy" had nose surgery. The recovery has definitely been a lot more then I had originally anticipated it would be. Its not that my husband is grumpy & demanding about anything, actually its been quite the contrary, but it just requires so much keeping up with the 5 different medicines, changing bandaging, feeding him, & so forth that I jokingly have said "Now I know what it would be like to have 6 kids". Raising 4 under 4 years old in general definitely keeps you on your toes but with pumping every 3 hrs, normal house maintenance, & now my husband....Wow! Do I still want 6 kids though, YES :). Just getting a lot of good practice in early lol.

My point in mentioning all of this, besides venting a lil', is to say that we have definitely been cooped up in the house for awhile these past few days. The girls have been handling it like troopers, but it is times like these I am glad I have the MAIN art staples stocked up & on hand ready to be used. If you always have these things in your house, you can always find something to make! And before you even try to figure out how much everything is going to cost you, let me tell you that every one of these items (minus the hot glue gun & sometimes paint) can be found at almost any dollar store!

Glue (sticks & hot glue guns)
construction paper
googley eyes
paper plates
pipe cleaners
pom pom balls
lunch paper bags
Popsicle sticks

Some other fun things to add to your art supply closet are all around you everyday, so stock up when you can. Items like old socks, baby food jars, egg cartons, milk cartons, milk jugs, toilet paper rolls (minus the tp lol), pine cones, empty oatmeal containers, foil, old boxes, & so on can be like "Free GOLD" when it comes to art! "I am just not creative" cannot be an excuse anymore with the Internet out there, books, magazines, & me lol. Below I listed some easy & inexpensive craft ideas that should help get any mommy or daddy started (After my pictures)! Enjoy.

-M&M Momma

Toilet Tube Snake

Thankful for an hour outside!

Sand in her shoes

Sisterly LOVE

Collecting pine cones for
out future art ventures

Picnic paradise!

Just cut up tons of construction
paper squares & they were amused
for quite awhile!

Fun & Easy ART IDEAS:

Paper Bag Fishy

Toilet Tube Snake
35 Paper Plate Art Ideas
25 Toilet Paper Tube Ideas
Popsicle Birdfeeder

Milk Carton Crafts

Pine cone Turkey

Sock bugs
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