When end of the day has finally come & all 6 of my lil' babies are tucked safely in their beds fast asleep, I can't help but step back & revisit my day.
As I watch them peacefully resting, sometimes I feel as if 1 child may have gotten a lil' less attention that day than they may have needed. Sometimes I go back through a conversation I had with 1 of them & realize it may have been a lil' rushed & I didn't drink in the moment as much as I should have. Sometimes I realize there was a missed opportunity to pick 1 of them up & really hold them close & cuddle them. Sometimes I regret that I wasn't able to get on the floor with them that day & really play with them. Sometimes I look back over a situation that happened with 1 of the children in the day & wish I would have handled it differently or been a lil' more calm & patient.
Its hard to be everything to everyone of them sometimes. Especially those days when they all seem to need that extra bit of love & attention at the very same time. It can feel a lil' overwhelming & sometimes I may even feel as if I have failed as their mother, but then I realize there is some type of beauty in that-admitting that I am not perfect & mommy doesn't always get it perfect every day, but I try.
Children don't need a role model that pretends they never struggle or fail, but they do need someone that doesn't let the failures beat them & keeps getting up & trying to do better & be better the next day. Its so important to keep that open dialogue with your kiddos about setting goals for self-improvement & not having too much pride to let them know when you have handled a situation with them poorly, but you will do better next time. Be able to go back to them the next day & ask them to tell you again about that moment they felt proud of themselves or that situation that happened the day before that they tried to share, but now you can give them your full & undivided attention. Make that extra effort to steal that moment away with the kiddo that you know you weren't able to give quite as many kisses, hugs, or snuggles with the day before instead of beating yourself up about it.
As much as I would love to be everything to everyone of my kids & fulfill every need they could possibly have physically, emotionally, etc. I have to realize that its just not possible & all I can do is try my best daily. That's why my kiddos & myself included have to learn to rely on God where I may fall short from time to time.
-M&M Momma
Constantly surrounded by love |
Aidy's face painting venture |
Playing with Pop-Its |
Family game night |
Making strawberry shortcakes |
Playing at our favorite store |
Ice cream + Women's World Cup |
Puppet show time! |
Hanging out at Daddy's work |
Pop-Its...Again |
Shall we paint? |
Did someone say candy?!? |
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