To kick off the “Letter ‘B’ Review”, we took our lil’
ladies out to see “Ballet Under the Stars”. This is a wonderful free show that
Ballet Arizona puts on once a year for people to come out & with their lawn
chairs & blankets to just enjoy dance. My girls were absolutely over the
moon getting to see these wonderful ballerinas dance up close. Aidann is
convinced she can be in point shoes in a few weeks like the big girls if she
keeps practicing. I love her confidence! Asher’s eyes were just as wide as she
realized that even “daddy dancers” exist. Lol.
A few days after the show (which was on a Saturday),
I sat the girls down for our lesson. We opened it up with a book & a sing-along
song, “The Wheels on the Bus”. After talking about how bus starts with a “b”, I
had the girls go around the house looking for other items that made the same
sound. The girls definitely enjoyed this activity. Next we went over a brief
worksheet where the girls practiced identifying which items did & did not
have the “buh” sound.
After worksheets, we got down to the real fun.
Austin unfortunately fell asleep before this activity, but go to do it with me
1 on 1 later on in the day. This activity I found online that a kindergarten
teacher uses to ease her new “Kinders” into math & utilizing their skills of
observation (Ball Activity). It was just kind of a bonus that is involves balls which start
with “b”!
I took out a big bucket filled with various types
& sizes of balls. I then blindfolded the girls & they each selected
one. I then had the girls look at the ball they had selected & describe it
to me so I could write down all their thoughts. They observed things like
color, how it felt, size, weight & so forth. I had them take a moment to
sketch their ball on a worksheet I had quickly put together. For their 3rd
task on the worksheet I had them compare their balls. Again they focused on the
difference or similarities in shape, size, color, texture, & then they even
tested to see who’s rolled faster across the carpet or would hit the ground
first if they dropped them at the same time.
Once the 3rd item on their worksheets was
completed, the girls dumped out all the balls & tried to group them
together in different ways. One time they put them together according to sizes
& then another time they grouped them according to colors. After this they
wanted to race all the balls across the floor which was really fun to do!
The next day for “B”, after enjoying some bug shaped
mac & cheese (in the organic aisle of Frys), we went outside & blew
some bubbles. Of course the kids had a blast with that. There is just something
about kids & bubbles! I had also purchased some bubble wrap & they
thought popping those with their feet & between their lil’ fingers was so
fun (not Austin quite as much). We even used cut squares of bubbles wrap to
stamp pictures with paint onto our papers. I found that activity on You can search it, I am sure. While outside, we noticed a next
up in our tree & got to also observe the birds flying in & out. That
was cool for the kids to see & definitely a lot less stressful than when we
observed an anthill for “A”, lol. Well, after all outside activities were
finally completed, they got to experience a nice long bubble bath-haha!
Overall, “B” week was pretty awesome & I am
definitely looking forward to “C”!
-M&M Momma
Ballet Under the Stars! |
A pictures of Asher's ball.
She got way into it! |
By sizes |
"Redish" |
"Blues" |
Rolling test! |
On their bouncy balls! |
Yes, even in heels! |
"Pop" |
The nest |
Somehow fingers got in the mix |