Saturday, March 1, 2014

Marshmallows & Pretzels, Baby!

Building with pretzels & mini marshmallows (or cheese cubes) has always been such an exciting & fun activity for the ladies, I remember doing it a lot when I was a kid, but I am always looking for new ideas to spice up any activity. With spring, Jet-Puffed Marshmallows by Kraft brought out the big guns with these huge marshmallow eggs I had never seen before. If the kiddos thought building with regular marshmallows was fun before, I knew they were going to absolutely go to town with these "bad boys"! We also threw in some ice cream flavored/shaped marshmallows by Kraft in the mix as well. The ladies loved this building activity & the new marshmallows as well (who wouldn't!?).

Before ever venturing into an activity as enjoyable, tempting, & potentially messy as this it is important to set rules in place before beginning & here are some mommy/daddy-pointers as well:

1. Do yourself a favor & have wipies ready to go if a sink is not nearby.
2. Marshmallows & carpet DO NOT mix. Definitely do it over tile & check feet/shoes & hands before letting them venture back on to any carpeted area.
3. Although kiddos will think its "being creative", explain that spit & marshmallows are not the best mix-sticky and messy to the extreme!
4. I recommend waiting until the end to let them eat the marshmallows, but if not establish just how many are allowed to enter their lil' mouths otherwise they will be more than willing to gobble down the entire bag!
5. Explain that once a marshmallow hits the ground "Its not good anymore" means to throw it in the trash, not your mouth.
6. Have fun! Kids are kids & messy can be cleaned!

Well, enjoy this activity & keep your eye out for all the new & fun jet-puffed marshmallows that are always coming out with every holiday!

-M&M Momma

Can you tell she is thrilled,
new Toms in the mail!

Enjoying a baby shower
for one of my dearest friends

They found a bird egg

Picture day at dance class

Sleeping & growing,
4 months old

Enjoying firefighter story time

Toured the fire station

Fort building time

My naked dare devil

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